
2022世界杯下注(以及动物和植物)迫不及待地想见到你! 请 在世界杯app软件推荐之前,请查看以下重要信息.

变化 & 闭包



世界杯app软件推荐85%的空间在户外,主要是步行体验. 2022世界杯下注鼓励你 dress accordingly for your safety and to have the best Sonoran Desert adventure!

Map 2022世界杯下注鼓励你 下载博物馆地图 参观前.






图森市每年平均有286个晴天! 一定要涂上并重新涂抹. 仅供参考:洗手间里有免费的防晒霜!


帽子 & 太阳镜

2022世界杯下注不希望你看的时候眯着眼睛! 一定要遮住眼睛,这样你才能欣赏到壮观的沙漠景色.


计划参观博物馆? 填写调查问卷 (in English or Español) before and after your visit to tell us why you're visiting and what you learned about conservation.


在沙漠的高温下,喝比你认为你需要的更多的水. 请自带可重复使用的水瓶! We have traditional water fountains and touchless water bottle refill stations around grounds that can be used. 瓶装和罐装水也可以购买!



因为博物馆主要是一种步行体验, 当你穿过小径时,你肯定需要舒适的鞋子.

The Desert Museum is dedicated to providing a naturalistic and enriching sanctuary for our animals and plants, 和一个干净的, 友好的, 为2022世界杯下注的客人提供娱乐和教育体验. Our goal is to inspire people to live in harmony with the natural world by fostering love, 升值, 以及对索诺兰沙漠的了解. The comfort and safety of our guests and animal and plant residents is our top priority.



在所有区域都可以选择戴口罩. We encourage guests to follow the most current CDC guidance to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, and make choices about visiting and precautions that align with one’s personal health status and level of risk.

世界杯app软件推荐85%的空间都在户外 主要是步行体验. 2022世界杯下注鼓励你 dress accordingly for your safety and to have the best Sonoran Desert adventure!

大多数游客花2-3小时参观博物馆. 随着2022世界杯下注的不断发展,有 有更多的东西要看,要做! 你可以轻松地在这里待上一整天,还有更多值得一看的地方!

是的, 手动轮椅、婴儿车和电动滑板车可供出租 来自客服部.

不得携带外带食物及饮料入馆, 然而,在前门附近有一个野餐的华美达. 2022世界杯下注也坐落在图森山公园的野餐区旁边. 铁木露台餐厅和菲比咖啡馆每天营业. There are traditional water fountains and touchless water bottle refill stations around grounds.


尽管2022世界杯下注很喜欢动物,但2022世界杯下注不允许宠物进入. 只有 服务性动物是允许的.

是的! 请在离开前到客服部. 请注意,博物馆将于下午5点关闭.m.

为了其他客人和动物的安全, 玻璃容器, 武器, 滑板, 摩托车, 自行车, 气球, 吹口哨, 外面的食物和饮料是不允许进入的.

一般来说,客人可以拍摄非专业的照片供个人使用. 专业摄影师必须坚持2022世界杯下注摄影的政策.

The Desert Museum is pleased to contribute to the success of likeminded nonprofit organizations by providing charitable contributions. 你可以在这里申请.

是的! 2022世界杯下注一直在寻求更多的支持. 请浏览2022世界杯下注志愿页面 了解更多信息.

请致电520-883-2702或发电子邮件 info@qkkj.net.


是的. 门票可以在前门购买,也可以提前在网上购买.

目前,提前购买的门票是有日期限制的, 但是,如果您无法世界杯app软件推荐您购买的日期, simply 联系 Guest Services and we will be happy to adjust your reservation date or refund your purchase if necessary.

如果您无法在购买日期到访,请联系客服部. 2022世界杯下注很乐意调整您的预订日期,或在必要时为您退款.

是的. 2022世界杯下注为现役军人和退休人员提供2美元的普通门票折扣. Bring a form of ID to verify your military status and purchase your tickets at the front gate. 每张身份证限2张普通门票. 优惠不适用于青少年票或其他折扣票.

是的. 2022世界杯下注为65岁及以上的老年人提供2美元的普通门票折扣. 携带带照片的身份证件,以验证您的资格,并在前门购买门票.

Residents of Arizona and Sonora Mexico are eligible to receive a $5 discount on 一般 admission tickets with proof of residency. 如果你带照片的身份证不能反映你目前的居民身份, bring a photo ID along with a recent piece of mail to your resident address and purchase your tickets at the front gate. 优惠不适用于青少年票或其他折扣票.

世界杯app软件推荐适合所有人. We are committed to providing guests with an experience that will inspire them to live in harmony with the natural world by fostering love, 升值, 以及对索诺兰沙漠的了解. We believe everyone should be able to experience incredible connections to nature and wildlife, 不考虑经济状况或其他因素. 这个项目让低收入家庭更容易进入世界杯app软件推荐.

任何持卡人有效, non-expired Arizona state-issued EBT card with valid photo ID and up to three (3) additional individuals at the discounted price.

No. The EBT cards can only be used to show that cardholders are eligible for Desert Museum CAP rate. 参观者必须使用本馆认可的付款方式——现金或信用卡/借记卡.

The Tohono O ' odham and Pascua Yaqui have a rich and diverse history in the Sonoran Desert region that is intimately tied to the land we now inhabit. Providing free admission to the Museum to all Indigenous peoples of the Americas is a continuing acknowledgement that the Desert Museum sits on Indigenous land, 最近, Tohono O ' odham.

因为这个机构以区域为重点, 获取在促进理解方面起着至关重要的作用, 升值, 保护本土文化, 传统, 和语言. It allows Tribal members to connect with their heritage and share their knowledge and experiences with others. 对于印第安人来说, controlling the narrative of their story leads to a more accurate and inclusive depiction of a shared history and culture in the region.

此外, free admission ensures that all Native Americans have opportunities to engage with cultural and educational experiences at ASDM. 允许所有印第安人免费入场, 积极促进文化公平, 提高认识, 培养合作关系, 并开始调和历史上的不公正.


Simply bring your Tribal ID or CIB to the ticket windows and a Guest Services Representative will issue you an admission ticket at no cost.


绝对! 礼品会员可以通过几种不同的方式购买-在线, 或通过电话或亲自与客户服务助理联系. 礼品会员包括与标准世界杯app软件推荐会员相同的福利. 从购买之日起有效期为一年,延至月底.

网上购买, select the level you would like to purchase and fill out the information for the person for whom you are purchasing the membership. 然后一封电子邮件将直接发送给他们. 不幸的是,没有定制的在线礼品会员. 如果您有任何问题,请致电客人服务部520-883-1380分机. 7100.

从购买之日起,世界杯app软件推荐的会员资格有效期为一年, 延长到月底. (示例:2024年10月1日购买的会员资格将于2025年10月31日到期)

Desert Museum memberships in the Dual category or higher offer the option to name both adults on the membership OR list the second adult as a “Guest.” This allows the named member to bring any one person with them at each visit for the duration of their membership. 另外, Desert Museum memberships (excluding Student) include single-use admission tickets to use for guest admission.

入学 to the Desert Museum is valid only for the named member(s) listed on the membership account. 如果您在购买时选择了“访客”选项, 任何一个人都可以和你一起参观博物馆, 或者在有卡的情况下单独使用.

这取决于你的会员级别, your membership gift (less the fair market value of the goods and services received) could be considered tax deductible for income tax purposes. 请咨询您的税务专业人士,以获得最终决定的指导.

虽然2022世界杯下注很自豪能成为AZA(动物园协会)的一员 & 水族馆)认可的组织, the Desert Museum does not currently participate in the AZA Reciprocity Program or offer reciprocal 好处 to other institutions.

Children and grandchildren (age 17 and under) of the named adult member(s) are included on Desert Museum memberships in the Family category or higher. 青少年必须有一名成人陪同. 看到 世界杯app软件推荐会员资格 请参阅有关会员类别的其他信息 & 好处.

当然! Simply present a photo ID at one of the ticket windows on our front patio and a Guest Service Assistant will be happy to validate your membership for admission and print a replacement card upon request. After a replacement card is printed, your previously issued cards will no longer be valid.

是的! 2022世界杯下注认为你会喜欢成为2022世界杯下注狼群的一员, 但如果你想在加入之前亲眼看看,2022世界杯下注也能理解. You may apply the cost of your admission tickets to the purchase of a membership the day of your visit. 可申请的门票数量取决于会员类别.



家庭/绿松石/铜/银/金:最多可申请2名成人 & 青少年门票2张.

Present your admission tickets or receipt at a ticket window on your way out of the Museum and a Guest Service Assistant will be happy to help you Join Our Pack!
